
Something Shady by Pamela Morsi

I was looking for something light, so I decided to reread another book from my keeper shelf.

Something Shady by Pamela Morsi
(1995, 1917 Missouri) 9/14/10

Gertrude has always found her next door neighbor, Mikolai Stefanski, rather attractive, but up until now they’ve only been friends. But when her niece finds an old diary, and after she decides to bob her hair, things begin to change…

This is my favorite book by Pamela Morsi, and it’s been on my keeper shelf for quite a while. But I haven’t reread it in many years. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite hold up after all these years. The romance is still compelling, but I’d forgotten how long it takes to get going. The relationship between Gertrude and Mikolai doesn’t even start until almost 150 pages into the book. And the story of Gertrude’s niece Claire and her confused matchmaking probably seemed less annoying on a first reading. I found myself impatiently turning the pages, waiting for the good stuff to start. Once it does, the book is quite romantic, with love scenes that are both tender and erotic. And the characters were interesting and unique – I particularly enjoyed Mikolai’s Polish background (and his charming story of the chicken pox) It’s still a lovely book, but it may not quite be a keeper any more.

There are quite a few books on my keeper shelf that might not hold up to a full rereading, even thought parts of them are very good. Sigh… I started off trying to clear a little space on my keeper shelf and now I’m finding problems with every book I reread!

Karen Wheless

I've been reading romance since I discovered Kathleen Woodiwiss at age 12. I love all kinds of romances, especially emotional and angsty stories. I finally cut back my TBR pile from 2000 books to only 400, but I still have lots of books left to read!

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